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Contact me so that I can give you the help you need in a personalised way! Most potential clients contact me by email.The entire process works well by email and speaking with you is unnecessary. Usually, my clients only call for me to answer specifica questions about my service at (USA) 1-812-675-4937. Please note that I cannot take your information over the telephone or give you any advice. All I can do by voice is confirm my availability and answer any questions you might have about how my service works.


(USA) 1-812-675-4937

(Bolivia) +59176407321


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  • WhatsApp Dr. Edinger

While I would enjoy talking to my clients on the telephone, I need your information in text form . Since I am always working with several different clients at the same time, if I took the information over the phone, I might tend to confuse your stories.

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Note: The samples posted on this web site are anonymous and always more than two years old at the time of posting.

See more samples of the CRNA Personal Statement at


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