I can’t tell my children to reach for the sun. All I can do is go for it myself. - Joyce Maynard
My ambition for following my dreams came from watching my dad fulfill his by becoming a physician at the age of 50. After bringing us to this country and working hard as a taxi driver to ensure his three kids were comfortable, my father finally realized he could fulfill his lifelong dream without jeopardizing his children's education. Watching him persevere through whatever hardship came at him and still being able to come out on top was the driving force I needed to pursue my dream of becoming a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist.
I am the best fit for the Nurse Anesthesia Program at the University of XXXX’s School of Nursing and Health Studies. Completing your program will enable me to meet my personal, educational, and professional goals to become an outstanding CRNA. As I see it, the education and training offered in Nurse Anesthesia at the University of XXXX are unmatched. I am attracted to the low student-to-faculty ratio and the variety of advanced clinical rotations available, and I particularly appreciate your early integration of simulated learning activities. I look forward to preparing for my clinical rotations with this simulated training. I hope to have the opportunity to invest an enormous amount of time in this, to excel from the very beginning. My long-term objective is to become a well-trained CRNA who builds a lifetime, professional focus on the unique medical needs of individuals in underserved areas of the US. Currently working in such places in NYC, I understand how important the availability of proper healthcare is for all communities, regardless of social status and income.

My first nursing job was in the ER at XXXX Hospital’s Level One Trauma Center in NYC, where I met a CRNA who served as an excellent role model and mentor. At least once a week, I watched him in action in the trauma room, intubating and sedating critically injured patients before the physician’s treatment. I was in awe of how calm, cool, and controlled he appeared in a not-so-controlled situation. I was most impressed by how knowledgeable he was in anesthesia. We bonded over our shared background in emergency care and became good friends. He encouraged me to pursue a career in Nurse Anesthesia as he thought I would be a good fit. This CRNA had also begun his career in medicine, serving first as a Paramedic before becoming a nurse. Similarly, I worked as a Paramedic and learned a great deal in this position - especially about Emergency Medicine. While serving as a Paramedic, I was accustomed to caring for only one patient at a time. Nursing is quite different; as a nurse, I have become an expert in multitasking in caring for multiple patients. I enjoyed serving as a Paramedic, cultivating attention to detail, and developing my critical thinking and organizational skills. I was proud that I felt confident managing critical patients and providing a frontline emergency medical response. While working as a paramedic, I also volunteered to teach CPR and how to use AEDs in churches and schools. As a nurse, I volunteer twice a year at our community fairs to educate the community about hypertension, diabetes, and other common ailments.

Once I decided that my heart was set on becoming a nurse anesthetist, I took a position in an ICU at a 350-bed teaching hospital in Brooklyn, NY. I used my skills as an Emergency Room RN in this position while cultivating new skills in the Medical ICU. The experience I gained at this hospital prepared me for my CCRN exam and prepared me to apply to CRNA school.
I look forward to giving everything I have to the Nurse Anesthesia profession. I also seek a professional engagement with research, and I look forward to studying CRNAs who practice independently. I would especially like to contribute to research on patient outcomes in states where CRNAs practice independently vs. states where they must practice under physician supervision.
There are so many reasons why I want to become a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist. Still, the most important reason, the cause closest to my heart, is that I want my daughter to see me devote myself to something I love and follow through. I have an example to set for her, and I know she’s watching intently. I want her to follow her dreams, how I am following mine, and how my father followed his. As a family, we have been preparing for this moment. My husband and I have been working extra hard to prepare our family mentally and financially for this opportunity, and I am ready for this next big step in my professional career.
A woman originally from the Caribbean, I especially relish diversity and feel proud to contribute to that diversity as a nurse in search of the stars. I have been living in NYC since I was six; however, I never forget my humble origins; I thrive best when I give back to underserved communities. I passionately believe that this program can help me accomplish this goal.
Thank you for considering my application to Nurse Anesthesia at XXXX University.