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DNP CRNA Neurosurgical ICU Health Fairs

Updated: Jan 2

DNP, CRNA Neurosurgical ICU Personal Statement.
DNP, CRNA Neurosurgical ICU Personal Statement

I have sought engagement in healthcare for as long as I can remember. Early on, I was unsure whether it would be in nursing, medicine, or physical therapy. I immigrated to the US when I was fourteen, speaking little English, so I had a lot of work adjusting to my unfamiliar environment. My parents did not work in healthcare, and I did not have any relatives or friends in the US who could guide me in choosing a career. When we were in high school, my brother fell ill; his appendix ruptured, and he nearly died. I noticed a CRNA talking to him in the pre-op room, hooking him up to a monitor, reassuring my family, and taking him to the operating room. I was enamored by how confident the CRNA was, and I told myself that someday I wanted to be just like her. Years later, when I was in nursing school, I had the opportunity to observe a C-section. I met a few CRNAs in the OR and asked questions about their work. They sounded extremely passionate when they talked about their responsibilities and enjoyed what they do for a living. I became certain that I wanted to become a CRNA. My path to nursing was not an easy one. My parents got divorced, and we had a lot of financial challenges. I ended up having to work two jobs throughout nursing school. But, after graduation, I got a career in the hospital, gained ICU experience, and became certified in critical care.

DNP, CRNA Neurosurgical ICU Personal Statement Examples.
DNP, CRNA Neurosurgical ICU Personal Statement Examples

Volunteering extensively for health fairs here in California, helping organizations set up, providing health screenings, checking vitals, and educating residents about the importance of a healthy lifestyle have been extremely rewarding and enjoyable. This experience not only required strong leadership skills but also instilled compassion by practicing advocacy for the community. Good leadership and compassion are vital foundations for becoming a strong, competent CRNA. When I was shadowing one CRNA, Jennifer, I witnessed a lot of leadership skills being utilized in the OR - from induction to the process of extubating. I was especially impressed by her ability to take charge and put people to sleep, remove their pain, and wake them up effortlessly. I saw how Jennifer handled the OR with full charisma and how the surgeon completely trusted her and waited until she was ready before the operation began.

DNP, CRNA Neurosurgical ICU Personal Statement Samples.
DNP, CRNA Neurosurgical ICU Personal Statement Samples

As an active unit-based team representative (UBT) member for the ICU, I appreciate working together on unit improvement projects to provide safe, high-quality care for our patients. We constantly nurture a consensus concerning how to keep our patients’ environment safe. One way to maintain patient safety is through conducting regular surveys on nurses and physicians about security, such as reducing infection rates and other safety measures for the unit. Becoming a CRNA has always been my central professional goal, requiring a constant focus on patient safety and comfort. The second time I shadowed a CRNA, Anna, the patient who got extubated, suddenly went into a bronchospasm. Anna stayed constantly focused and knew what steps needed to be taken. I am particularly grateful to have gained experience in a level-one trauma, Neurosurgical ICU, managing multiple drips, operating the medical equipment, and providing care for the sick.

XXXX University is my first choice because I believe in its mission, to develop students to their full potential and as members of the world community. Becoming a CRNA has always been my career goal. I look forward to developing my critical thinking, analytical reasoning, and creative problem-solving skills as a DNP student in Nurse Anesthesia at XXXX.

DNP CRNA Neurosurgical ICU Health Fairs


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