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Personal Statement RN to BSN, African American

Updated: Jan 15

UXXX is my first choice for graduate school because I see it as the optimal springboard for making the best progress toward realizing my long-term goals in nursing. I could not be more favorably impressed with the sheer excellence of your program: the education that I hope to receive is at UXXX’s RN-to-BSN Program with its focus on quality instructors, relevant skills, and practice trends. Fourteen years of nursing experience have prepared me to go on to bring a mature and well-rounded perspective to the University of XXXX at XXXX’s Family Nurse Practitioner program, making significant contributions to discussions. I look forward to earning my master's degree in nursing and putting it to a lifetime of beneficial use as a Family Nurse Practitioner. Central to my long-term plans is serving as an agent of progressive change for enhanced levels of community health nursing, one individual at a time. With more than four years of nursing experience supporting family practice nursing, I have a solid base to continue building and working towards becoming a Family Nurse Practitioner. I keenly look forward to a long and highly productive professional life giving my all to improving patient outcomes in various settings - primary, emergency, urgent, inpatient, home health, and long-term. I have developed a keen sense of bearing for navigating the medical system, which will help me excel in the program. My extensive experience spans disparate populations - pediatric through geriatric – and patients from quite different socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds.

RN to BSN, African-American Man
Personal Statement RN to BSN

I grew up in rural Louisiana, and while there was plenty of love, the familial culture included distrust and aversion to the medical establishment. Fortunately, through exposure to outstanding medical care in college and the military, I recognized the power and benefit of seeking and adhering to professional medical advice. I found myself drawn toward health promotion for myself, my family, and my community – fostering an atmosphere of understanding and trust in medical care. In each healthcare setting and even in demanding situations, I am always enthused to meet a patient and their support network, no matter the circumstances.

RN to BSN, African-American Man
Personal Statement RN to BSN,Writing and Editing Service

Earning my master's degree at UXXX will allow me to maximize my contribution to nursing, gradually assuming higher levels of responsibility and broadening my scope of practice while honing what I think of as natural skills. Dedicated as much to prevention as I am to treatment, harnessing, and encouraging the health potential of everyone, I want to bring the science of health to bear on the reality of humanity. As a college student, I became keenly interested in the nexus of people and medical science, applying research to improve health outcomes. Yet while the systematic application of best practices is essential, I see partnering with patients as equally important. My compassion for patients led me to the nursing profession, which led me to discover my talent and passion for health promotion.

The most rewarding moments for me as a nurse are those in which I assist a patient with identifying their personal health goals and plotting a realistic path to a positive outcome - I am very drawn to process improvement. I've worked on LEAN teams in the hospital and loved it. I always seek to facilitate favorable outcomes through empathy.

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While I would enjoy talking to my clients on the telephone, I need your information in text form . Since I am always working with several different clients at the same time, if I took the information over the phone, I might tend to confuse your stories.

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