I want to attend your program at XXU because of the personal attention afforded by your small classes, excellent lab facilities, world-class faculty, and high-quality, accessible resource centers. I also appreciate your hands-on approach to learning and how all of this is reflected in your graduates' exceptionally high success rates. Furthermore, I understand that your program is situated in the School of Medicine, which facilitates student acquisition of the broad range of skills required for the state-of-the-art practice of general anesthetics. I am keenly excited about the prospects of full-time immersion in such an advanced academic atmosphere dedicated to the entire spectrum of healthcare research.
I am a cosmopolitan young woman born in Saudi Arabia and raised in Miami, Florida. After attaining my AS Degree in Nursing from XXXX Community College, I entered the nursing field and have found immense joy in the service of my patients. I returned to my studies last year at XXXX University and will graduate with my Master´s in Nursing next May 2011. Moving to the US at only seven, I remember little of Saudi Arabia. Still, I am fully fluent in Arabic and went to Dubai in 2006, where I had the opportunity to take a first-hand look at the enormous advancements in health care in the Arab World. I also went to Kingston, Jamaica, for a 2-week humanitarian mission with my church to help improve the standard of living at several orphanages. I was deeply saddened by the deplorable living conditions and impoverished healthcare system I observed while visiting the island´s only trauma hospital. As I progress in my career, I pray that I also can share my knowledge and skills with our world´s less fortunate members who desperately need our help. I can identify with the poor. I came to the States in 1989 with my parents and two brothers. We struggled for many years, and all piled into a one-bedroom apartment. My parents both worked extremely hard—16 hours a day. I am the first person in my family to have a college degree, and I am striving to set an example for my younger brother so that he will also attend college and receive an education. I am intelligent and am told I have a profound sense of humor. A tranquil, easy-going lady, I can also be assertive when it calls for it.
I am an extremely hard worker who is equally devoted to my nursing career and studies simultaneously. I have become entirely accustomed to long hours and wish to continue to study full-time while practicing full-time. I have dreamed of becoming a CRNA ever since transferring to the trauma unit in my hospital. I am most attracted to the excitement, high degree of autonomy, and professional respect that accompanies the work of the CRNA. I crave the sense of accomplishment and the opportunity that I would have to continue to use all the skills and knowledge that I have been developing through my service in our Critical Care Unit. I see nurse anesthesia as the most rigorous, technical, and demanding of nursing careers. I am up for the challenge and merit the trust placed in me. I thrive on making accurate decisions based on the information available at any given time, which may change at any moment. I fully appreciate how nursing is both a science and an art dedicated to the quality of life and death.
My call to nursing comes about because of deep, lifelong regard for the welfare of others. I see the distress on someone’s face and want to lend a hand. I appreciate the need for preventive and holistic health care education that reinforces the successful adaptation and continued maintenance of the entire human being, mentally and physiologically, and the creative transformation of each person to their unique environment. I am thrilled to be part of the rapid and profound advances in all aspects of healthcare. I seek to constantly learn all I can about the nurse's roles in educating the public about healthcare resources and techniques, always emphasizing preventive medicine as paramount. I want to be a professional who helps people avoid and overcome health problems.

Since I was a young girl, I have wanted to become engaged in healthcare. I started my journey in high school when I joined Health Occupation Students of America. This set me on a course of developing insight into the depth and importance of being a healthcare professional. While my friends had jobs at the local creamery and the mall, I worked as a nursing assistant at the nursing home. Here I went on to enter the nursing field as quickly as possible. I chose to attend a community college with an exceptional nursing program which, at least at the time, ranked higher than some universities. I admit that I did not find nursing school easy at first since the sciences were not my strong point in school, but I began to excel with dedication, tutoring, and hard work. And I graduated with the highest critical thinking score in my class.

I have always been determined to achieve my professional goals as a nurse because it is my form of service to my community. While in nursing school, there was only one hospital that I wanted to work at, Jackson Memorial Hospital, the most courageous hospital in South Florida. They accept cases that no other hospital in the state will, from all over South Florida and the Caribbean. It is there that army RNs and MDs train before deployment. I prepared myself for the interview. I was ready. I started in OB/GYN ER. It was incredibly fast-paced and exciting, but in time, I wanted more, and my petition to transfer to the ICU was granted. I was chosen from a field of twenty-seven candidates. I went through the critical care internship and finished at the top of the class. And here I am to this day. Working in the trauma ICU is challenging. It can be physically and mentally draining, but the thought of saving a life or comforting a family in need makes it all worthwhile. I have always loved excitement. I constantly struggle to become assigned to the sickest patients in the unit. I crave the rush. Here in the trauma ICU, I have become mesmerized by the work of the CRNA.
A patient was in distress, and the ICU team failed to intubate them... Call anesthesia! They run up with the fiber optics intubation tray, and the patient returns quickly! I want that power and respect for myself. As a CRNA, I want to spend every day in OR walking that fine line between life and death hanging in the balance. After shadowing an anesthesiologist in OR, I finally felt at home for the first time. Calm in hectic situations and confident in my decision-making, I was born to be a CRNA. My mom always told me to follow my heart and that it would lead me to my destiny. This is my destiny.
DNP Nurse Anesthesia Personal Statement CRNA
I am keenly interested in attending your program at XXU due to the personalized attention provided by small classes, excellent lab facilities, world-class faculty, and high-quality, accessible resource centers. I also value your hands-on approach to learning, as evidenced by your graduates' exceptional success rates. Additionally, being situated within the School of Medicine ensures that students acquire the comprehensive skills necessary for the state-of-the-art practice of general anesthetics. The prospect of full-time immersion in such an advanced academic environment dedicated to the entire spectrum of healthcare research excites me.
Born in Saudi Arabia and raised in Miami, Florida, I consider myself a cosmopolitan young woman. After attaining my AS Degree in Nursing from XXXX Community College, I found immense joy…